On their own, these developments can be disregarded as mere politics as normal. Which, mainstream media is currently peddling, at worst only to make Trump look bad.
Meanwhile, former Secretary of State John Kerry openly confessed to negotiating with Iran, in a clandestine attempt to diminish current leadership's authority in the region. Simply put, Mr. Kerry committed treason.
One must look at history and not the "history" taught in public indoctrination camps AKA public schools, to see where this will lead.
China will effectively slow our economy to the point of breaking. Iran will attack our forces and interests, with discreet help from China, similar to what China did in the Korean War. Russia will play both sides, in an attempt to take the mantle of the world's superpower. After all, that's what America did after world war II.
President Trump should bring China to the table and formally agree to joint support on any action against Iran. That way, if China refuses, the justification to declare China an enemy is on the table and the public can see it for themselves.
Domestically, the left wants America to fall. It's the only way they can achieve their end goal of socialism and the deletion of the Bill of Rights. The sheep will believe that our way of life and freedoms we have, caused the inconvenience of war.
The old saying, the enemy of my enemy is my friend, is at play here. Feminists, lefts, and socialists love Islam, even though, it's one of the most oppressive religions on earth. Women are seen as second-class citizens and those who the left holds up, are seen as not worthy of life and publicly killed in the streets. But the left has no teeth. The beta male infested masses of the left, could not and will not fight with the vigor and strength needed to achieve their goals. The Islamic soldier will be their enforcers. Strange bedfellows indeed.
America is like a well dressed white man, who made the mistake of walking in a ghetto neighborhood, who thinks that all humanity thinks, feels and loves the way he does. The phony delusions of the politically correct movement, which condemns discretion based on criteria that are seen as offensive to some, but the truth is not politically correct. Freedom isn't a label of lofty ideals, but the whisper on the last breath of the dying soldier.
WW3 is upon us. This time, it won't be us versus them, but brother against brother, at the same time fighting a foreign war, that could lead to the first invasion on American soil since the war of 1812.