2/10/2014 10:12:00 PM
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2/10/2014 11:14:00 AM
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A Majority of Swiss citizens voted in favor of a referendum on Immigration reform, which marks the largest overhaul of Swiss policy in modern history. Included in the reform is language that now will limit immigration quotas and require Swiss Nationals be given priority in hiring over non-residents. Other member nations that are part of European Union are expected to be vocally opposed to the new regulations.
Laurentt Fabius, Foreign Minister of France, as already called out leaders in Switzerland on what he views as a terrible choice by the Swiss people.
"It us a vote that causes concern because it means that Switzerland Wants to withdraw into itself." Mr. Fabius told RTL radio
Is the European Union's dismay over Swiss immigration reform really about human rights or is a concern that the Swiss decision is more reflective of future tough decisions that will have to occur to hold back the unstoppable collapse?
Viviane Reding, vice president of the European Commission which is the executive arm of the E.U. Said " (they)..could not pick and choose." and further added "it is a whole package they have signed up for." Clearly the EU is scared of how this will change the view of current economic status in the E.U.
Switzerland currently is the third wealthiest country in Europe, with a GDP of $44,015.97 and Zurich located 408 meters above sea level on the lower end of Lake Zurich boosts the highest quality of life in the entire world, with a high level of investment, low corporate tax rate and high level of skilled labor. It's no wonder they are closing the borders, after all there will be future mass influx of economic refugees to wealthy countries.
European officials are now in a echo chamber with most sharing the sentiment of Pia Ahrenkilde Hansen, spokeswoman for the EU who spoke with reporters in Brussels.
“We have been extremely clear about what it means to have free movement of people as part of our overall agreement with Switzerland, and we have established that this is an initiative that does run counter to the principle of free movement of people between the European Union and Switzerland,”
Could it be the EU members are mad because the Swiss beat them to enacting policy and not taking what the EU believes is their fair share of responsibility for the less fortunate of the world? Most likely we will see more wealthy nations shutting their doors to save their own people.