If you have eyes and ears, you have seen the attack on President Trump by former and current FBI agents. This was arguably the first wake up call for the American people about the terrorist organization. Internal memos found that the FBI openly talked about ways to remove the President from his lawful appointment to the highest office of the land. If they had the willingness to commit treason, one can only imagine what they would do to private citizens.
Well sadly, it has happened. Schaeffer Cox was an up and coming constitutional spokesman. His message was simple, the federal government needs to abide by the constitution. Mr. Cox started a militia which was peaceful in nature and advocated for a bill allowing any firearm or firearm device to be lawful under the law, if manufactured in Alaska, under the commerce clause. Attention from the FBI really kicked in when Mr. Cox started a patriot hotline and stated on the recording he had 2300 patriots under his command. Apparently, nothing scares the Feds like a well organized, patriotic group of Americans who won't lay down. The FBI didn't waste any time and conspired to provoke Shauffer to commit violence. The FBI called DHHS and reported child abuse, to gain entry to his home without a warrant or probable cause. At the same time FBI plant, Bill Fulton advocated having Mr. Cox react with violence. In discovered documents from the investigative team, showed the FBI wanted Mr. Cox to respond with violence so that they could kill him and his wife. Mr. Cox, being a law-abiding citizen, refused. Bill Fulton than attacked him with a knife to force Mr. Cox to say he wanted to harm Federal agents. He refused and tried to escape with his family under duress. Bill Fulton, removed his battery from Mr. Cox's car and later was arrested.
From Freescheffer.com:
"...FBI Special Agent Richard Southerland supplied JR Olson with an unregistered, nontraceable pistol and instructed him to “put it in Schaeffer’s lap then get under the truck so there will be some thick metal between you and him when the shooting starts.” The FBI’s plan was interrupted when the owner of the industrial lot happened upon the scene and started asking questions about why men with masks and machine guns were hiding around the corner.
Schaeffer Cox was arrested and put on trial for “conspiracy against the government.” The prosecution was led by Steve Skrocki and Joseph Botini, the same people that were held in contempt of court for hiding evidence in several related trials of Alaska political personalities. The audio recording of Schaeffer Cox repeatedly rejecting violence were hidden from the jury, but are now being made available to the public by Schaeffer Cox’s supporters via youtube and other means.
Steve Skrocki, who has publically attacked Schaeffer Cox for his belief in Moral Higher Law, built his case primarily on the testimony of Fulton and Olson. But recently released audio recording and email between Steve Skrocki and his boss, US Attorney Karen Loeffler, now show that Skrocki coached his witnesses to lie, then vouched for those lies in his closing arguments to the jury.
Still, others have taken issue with Skrocki’s entire theory of the case. “The importance of this case is significant to the whole of humanity,” says Larry Pratt, president of Gun Owners of America. He points out that the prosecution conceded that Cox had no actual plans for violence, but convicted him anyway based on Cox’s belief that ‘We The People’ may someday have to stand down an out of control government.
Schaeffer Cox, who has been in prison since 2011 agrees. “This amounts to sending people to prison for simply believing in the original meaning of the 2nd Amendment,” he says. “If we don’t reverse my conviction, it will set a sweeping new precedent allowing for the wholesale round up of those who have not committed any crimes.”
After a kangaroo trial, Mr.Cox was sent to a CMU. A political prisoner black site prison, where he remains today. Over 200 hours of recorded conversations and no mention of violence or plans to harm anyone were discovered. His life is threatened daily by being surrounded by Islamic terrorists. In fact, Mr. Cox has witnessed numerous stabbings leading to death while being incarcerated.
If you love this country and your rights as an American citizen, I ask you to donate to his defence fund. If we allow one patriot to be arrested for nothing more than his beliefs than we are no better than the FBI tyrants who put him there.

From Freescheffer.com:
"...FBI Special Agent Richard Southerland supplied JR Olson with an unregistered, nontraceable pistol and instructed him to “put it in Schaeffer’s lap then get under the truck so there will be some thick metal between you and him when the shooting starts.” The FBI’s plan was interrupted when the owner of the industrial lot happened upon the scene and started asking questions about why men with masks and machine guns were hiding around the corner.
Schaeffer Cox was arrested and put on trial for “conspiracy against the government.” The prosecution was led by Steve Skrocki and Joseph Botini, the same people that were held in contempt of court for hiding evidence in several related trials of Alaska political personalities. The audio recording of Schaeffer Cox repeatedly rejecting violence were hidden from the jury, but are now being made available to the public by Schaeffer Cox’s supporters via youtube and other means.
Steve Skrocki, who has publically attacked Schaeffer Cox for his belief in Moral Higher Law, built his case primarily on the testimony of Fulton and Olson. But recently released audio recording and email between Steve Skrocki and his boss, US Attorney Karen Loeffler, now show that Skrocki coached his witnesses to lie, then vouched for those lies in his closing arguments to the jury.
Still, others have taken issue with Skrocki’s entire theory of the case. “The importance of this case is significant to the whole of humanity,” says Larry Pratt, president of Gun Owners of America. He points out that the prosecution conceded that Cox had no actual plans for violence, but convicted him anyway based on Cox’s belief that ‘We The People’ may someday have to stand down an out of control government.
Schaeffer Cox, who has been in prison since 2011 agrees. “This amounts to sending people to prison for simply believing in the original meaning of the 2nd Amendment,” he says. “If we don’t reverse my conviction, it will set a sweeping new precedent allowing for the wholesale round up of those who have not committed any crimes.”
After a kangaroo trial, Mr.Cox was sent to a CMU. A political prisoner black site prison, where he remains today. Over 200 hours of recorded conversations and no mention of violence or plans to harm anyone were discovered. His life is threatened daily by being surrounded by Islamic terrorists. In fact, Mr. Cox has witnessed numerous stabbings leading to death while being incarcerated.
If you love this country and your rights as an American citizen, I ask you to donate to his defence fund. If we allow one patriot to be arrested for nothing more than his beliefs than we are no better than the FBI tyrants who put him there.