WASHINGTON-Last Monday, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius testified before the Senate Finance Committee in support of the President’s $891 billion spending request for her department.
“In the state of the union address, President Obama stated how the United States can win the future by out-educating , outbuilding and out-innovating the world, so we can give every family and business the chance to thrive” she said. “Our 2012 budget is the blueprint to putting that vision into action.” She also acknowledged the growing debt and how it is unsustainable and said changes elsewhere could help lower the debt.
U.S. Sen. Max Baucus D-Montana quoted President Harry Truman:” The health of all its citizens deserves the help of all the Nation. “
Baucus stated that last year seniors with Medicare drug benefits found some prescriptions unaffordable. This year those same seniors will receive a 50 percent discount on prescription drugs, a result of the historic Affordable Health Care Act.
U.S. Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, criticized Obama’s recently released Fiscal Year 2012 budget proposal. Orrin blamed Sebelius for implementing 2,400 plus pages of regulation reforms with very little input from the public or from the budget committee.
Since last March, when the Affordable Health Care Act was passed 219 -212 in Congress, Republicans and Democrats have continued to battle over it. Both sides agree that something needs to change to better take care of the American people, but just how to accomplish reform is the hardest step moving forward on both sides of the aisle.