A Fine example of this is the coverage of Palestine violence against Israel and the language used to describe it. Calling militants "protesters" and focusing on civilian deaths and not the tactics used by the extremists in the region, using those same civilians as shields.
The U.N. heart of anti-semitic movement against Israel drafted a statement called for an investigation into 17 "unarmed" killed at Gaza's Strip's eastern border.(2) Statement ignores the fact that troops had been fired upon and weapons used had been removed from the crowd. Rightfully so, the U.S. blocked the statement and stated "bad actors" were the cause behind of the event.
The depiction of the events in that region, always show kids being carried away by Palestinians but never the Islamic fighters who incited the violence. Playing emotions is the bread and butter of the media's agenda.
Another example is the constant rocket attacks aimed at the border towns in Isreal. In 2018, so far five rocket attacks have occurred. In 2014, one attack included 50 rockets that endangered civilians and soldiers. Israel responded with air strikes and stationed IDF at the border. The action led to a fever of anti-Israel reporting, with focus on civilian deaths and not the militants who hid among them.
The BBC, has also been the leader of anti-Israeli propaganda.
Times of Israel reported this in 2017:
"The British news service's preliminary reporting on the attack, in which Border Police Staff Sgt. Hada 23, was stabbed to death, was headlined "three Palestinians killed after a deadly stabbing in Jerusalem "(3)
The article clearly made the attackers sound as if they had no role in the attack and were innocent civilians when in truth, they were armed attackers.
The headline was changed after outrage by many including Donald Trump Jr. This was the revision:
"Isreali Police Woman Stabbed To Death in Jerusalem."
There is hope for the future of media reporting.
Sinclair Broadcast Group recently released a statement Group-wide that condemned fake news and biased reporting. To no surprise, outrage from liberal media ensued.
On Sunday nights edition of "Last Week Tonight with John Oliver" had this to say:
"Nothing says 'we value independent media" like dozens of reporters forced to repeat the same message over and over again, like a brainwashed cult."
So calling out media for their bias and fake news, means your brainwashing? Tell me again Liberal Media, how you give an angry high school student air time while he uses profanity and calls millions of Americans child murders with blood on their hands and when those same innocent Americans who you allowed to be defamed, defend themselves, you claim they are bullying these foul-mouthed highschool kids and encourage boycotts of sponsors of those who you oppose.
I just received this from @kurteichenwald. There are no words for how wild this email is. @VanityFair is apparently an odd place.I just received this from @kurteichenwald. There are no words for how wild this email is. @VanityFair is apparently an odd place. pic.twitter.com/Ik1bfjoKyl— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) April 3, 2018
(1) McCarthy, Justin (September 17, 2014). "Trust in Mass Media Returns to All-Time Low". Gallup. Retrieved 25 January 2016.
(3) http://www.timesofisreal.com/bbc-regrets-headline-that-victimized-jerusalem-attackers/
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