Why the push? Why the dire need to disarm the American people?
First, the everyday person who pushes gun control are nothing more than sheep, low information voters, that allow emotional pleas to over ride their commonsense, if any. The people who have power like President Obama, Bloomberg and Senator Dianne Feinstein want gun confiscation because it threatens their world view and goals to achieve them. When I say goals I mean their goal of a Socialist Utopia, where power comes from the top down, because in their minds the masses cannot be trusted to have real freedom, I mean think about the children!
Notice her trigger finger? |
Dianne Feinstein has been the anti-self defense leader since the 1980's. She was the author of the original "Assault" weapons ban in 1994. She has also been on the record of saying "If I could take guns away from every American, I would."
President Obama, or as some call "our dear leader" as been anti-gun since his early college days. He threatened presidential power to further disarm the American people, which to many law scholars is unconstitutional. He hopes to strengthen background checks by breaching Health Information Laws to allow doctors to rat out those who they think are not mentally stable, which is heavily based on the bias of the doctor in charge.
Frankly, these three that I have mentioned are the key players or better yet, Soro's soldiers if you will. They want us disarmed because they hate the patriot, they hate red blooded Americans, they hate Veterans. Why? Because we the Patriots, see through their B.S. and their agenda.
Firearms in the hands of constitutionally minded patriots is the greatest threat to their world view, in which we are nothing but cogs in a big wheel to further their socialist agenda. They know if they control the monopoly on violence they can push us into whatever scheme they want,with little resistance.
Some who are reading this are probably in strong disagreement with my statements above, but if you will, let me pose a hypothetical situation to you:
Say in a hundred years, your great, great grandchildren are disarmed in our lifetime and a president who takes the powers that have been delegated to him because of the erosion of restrictions on government by the people and decides to switch our government into a top down power structure which lets say only 20% agree with, how will you stop it without firearms, if the political process no longer works?
I already hear some saying "well its rare to have a armed burglar enter your home." OK, yes it is rare but there are two points to consider:
First if guns are banned crime rates will rise, based on crime stats from other countries who have banned firearms. Second, house fires are rare too, so does that mean we shouldn't worry about having fire extinguishers and smoke detectors? After all, isn't it better to have one and not need it, than need one and not have one?
When the threat is criminals with firearms, the good law abiding citizen must have the equal ability to defend themselves with the same equal force. Do not be fooled into thinking if we ban legal firearms, the illegal ones will magically disappear, they will not and I will bet you everything that those illegal guns in the hands of criminals will destroy more lives after a ban than ever before, because criminals do not care what the law says.
We were trusted with a great gift by the founders, Freedom. Unlike most gifts, freedom requires a great amount of sacrifice, respect and stewardship. Remember our rights once taken will NEVER be given back.
Don't believe me?
look at the Patriot Act and how our dear leader promised to repeal it but did not and actually build upon it and now he can kill Americans without trial, just by his own order.
So I humbly plea to those who love this country, stand your ground against all enemies foreign or domestic, it is our responsibility to do so. After all, think about the children!
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