(The Next News Network) -The Office of the Special Counsel deleted text messages from the iPhone of fired FBI agent Peter Strzok before turning it over to the Department of Justice Office of the Inspector General (OIG), according to a report released by the federal watchdog.
December 15, 2018
12/15/2018 10:39:00 AM
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(The Next News Network) -The Office of the Special Counsel deleted text messages from the iPhone of fired FBI agent Peter Strzok before turning it over to the Department of Justice Office of the Inspector General (OIG), according to a report released by the federal watchdog.
December 11, 2018
12/11/2018 09:55:00 AM
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In this video, you will see how the Polish news reports the facts. Compare it to how the American and European news outlets report their "facts."
The globalists are losing in Poland. We can learn something from them.
12/11/2018 09:34:00 AM
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The Pact uses doublespeak often to dupe countries and its people to adopt its agenda. Here's an example:
" The Global Compact reaffirms the sovereign right of States to determine their national migration policy and their prerogative to govern migration within their jurisdiction, in conformity with international law..."
So they recognize countries sovereignty in one sentence and then say it must conform to international law i.e. globalist dictate.
Their claim that 150 countries have agreed to their doctrine and law on the matter is nothing more than an appeal to emotion. Out of those 150 countries, a majority DO NOT have immigrants actively seeking asylum. Why? Because they are the places that are losing their citizens. They signed on simply because it makes wealthier, more productive countries pay for their rejects.
Here's another example of doublespeak:
"Rule of law and due process: The Global Compact recognizes that respect for the rule of law, due process and access to justice are fundamental to all aspects of migration governance. This means that the State, public and private institutions and entities, as well as persons themselves, are accountable to laws that are publicly promulgated, equally enforced and independently adjudicated, and which are consistent with international law. "
What about Freedom of speech? They have a whole objective covering it.
"..OBJECTIVE 17: Eliminate all forms of discrimination and promote evidence-based public discourse to shape perceptions of migration
33. We commit to eliminate all forms of discrimination, condemn and counter expressions, acts, and manifestations of racism, racial discrimination, violence, xenophobia and related intolerance against all migrants in conformity with international human rights law. We further commit to promote an open and evidence-based public discourse on migration and migrants in partnership with all parts of society, that generates a more realistic, humane and constructive perception in this regard. We also commit to protect freedom of expression in accordance with international law, recognizing that an open and free debate contributes to a comprehensive understanding of all aspects of migration. To realize this commitment, we will draw from the following actions: .."
Look at France, look at England, look at Germany. Look at Sweden. Its citizens are being pushed out of towns and cities that their families have lived for generations. Women are being raped in broad daylight on the streets. Families are being targeted with violence for merely being non-muslim. Police have no-go zones, where they will not respond because these invaders won't let them in. What about the pedo-rings that plagued the U.K. for years and how the police wouldn't shut them down because of the perception that they would look racist. I almost forgot to mention Sweden is now known as the "rape capital" of the world.
These are the facts. Do you think the U.N. will acknowledge this? Don't hold your breath.
Diversity is a code for destroying and destabilizing native populations.
What about benefits for these illegals?
"OBJECTIVE 22: Establish mechanisms for the portability of social security entitlements and earned benefits 38. We commit to assist migrant workers at all skills levels to have access to social protection in countries of destination and profit from the portability of applicable social security entitlements and earned benefits in their countries of origin or when they decide to take up work in another country. "
The U.N. wants YOU to pay for illegals housing, food, and healthcare without your consent.
Canada plans on adopting this agreement.
Let that sink in. What if a liberal wins in 2020? Do you want our country to have no borders? Do you want your hard earned money paying for the rejects of another country? Do you want to be labeled a racist or any other "ist" word for merely voicing your opinion and saying no to this? It will happen if we red blooded, freedom loving Americans do not vote and actively voice our opinion about this.
You can read the U.N.'s garbage here.
December 10, 2018
12/10/2018 03:12:00 PM
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Yvette Felarca, the leader of the violent communist organization B.A.M.N. (By Any Means Necessary) openly calls for and justifies violence against those with different opinions. She currently faces a felony charge of assault with force likely to produce great bodily injury and two misdemeanor charges of rioting and inciting a riot. These traitors and agitators do not care about your civil rights, especially if you are a white person. They will harm/kill you for your opinions. They think that speech is violence and deserves to be shut down with violence. They are the real domestic terrorists.
Here are some videos that highlight the terrorist known as Yvette Felarca.
Patriots should be aware of them and use legal means to expose them. Be aware when defending counter-protesters from them. BAMN is known to be armed with knives, use explosive devices and disabling chemicals without provocation.
Here are some videos that highlight the terrorist known as Yvette Felarca.
Patriots should be aware of them and use legal means to expose them. Be aware when defending counter-protesters from them. BAMN is known to be armed with knives, use explosive devices and disabling chemicals without provocation.
12/10/2018 02:36:00 PM
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The National Lawyers Guild have been identified at almost all rallies where Antifa attacked people and destroyed property. They provide free legal services for these communist thugs and actively recruit illegals to enter the country and help to exploit our asylum laws. They can be easily spotted with neon green hats at any given communist rally. They are traitors to this country and many of them want to have a communist takeover of the United States Of America. If you see them in public film them. Expose them. Here's a video that was taken at the border that exposes one of these B.A.R. communists among the evasion of illegals.
12/10/2018 02:06:00 PM
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In a laughable turn of events, Washington State Antifa released a statement with their intent to recruit the III% group in Washington State. Why? Because of RaCiSm.
Watch the video below for the hilarious commentary.
December 9, 2018
12/09/2018 08:33:00 PM
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Prisoners do not get the normal amount of hours on phone calls or visits and their letters are limited to six pieces of paper. To put this in perspective, a supermax prison normally gives 35 hours a month of visitation, yet CMU's only grant 4 hours a month and on top of that there is no contact allowed on visits.
I know some of you reading this are thinking " Hey, they are criminals, why should I care?" Well, you should. If you doubt this prison is just for people who spoke out against the government, take a look at Daniel McGowan's case. He was freed and when he requested documents pertaining to the practices of the CMU he was sent to, they threw him back in jail. Will Potter who is an independent journalist, was granted a visit to McGowen while he was still imprisoned and the government at the behest of the FBI only granted the visit under the stipulation that Potter and McGowen were friends and if Potter asked any questions, the staff informed McGowen he would be punished. This was a clever way for the FBI to label Potter a target based on his friendship with a known "Terrorist." This is how the FBI, CIA and every other anti-constitutional organization works. They will do everything to ensnare you into the web they weave.
What if I told you CMU's are worse than what I mentioned above? What if someone leaked internal messages pertaining to non-listed sites that hold American citizens without trial and charge?

If you belong to any known patriot group here are some steps to help you from being an easy target:
1. remove all cameras from the phone
2. remove the microphone from the phone.
3. use a wired headset for calls.
4. Do not hang out in large groups of patriots of whom you do not know
5. If you do go out publically to rally, make sure you have three close friends with you and if state law allows ;) be armed. These abductions are not legal and the Supreme Court has ruled you have the right to use deadly force to protect from unlawful actions done by officials that threaten your life.
For further reading, I suggest checking out Will Potter's website HERE, which contains real documents and direct evidence about CMU's and their unlawfulness.
Word of caution: History teaches us that what we know is what the government wants us to know. I cannot vouch for Mr. Potter's credibility but only say that what I independently have discovered happens to jive with what Mr. Potter has claimed. Viewer discretion is advised.
December 2, 2018
12/02/2018 09:34:00 AM
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HighImpactVlogs finds wannabe actor's Youtube channel, in which he exposes him as anti-gun and anti-Trump. Not surprising that CNN hires him to be a pro-Trump voter turned anti-Trump. Watch video below and see the lengths CNN and their owners will go to overthrow our president.
April 8, 2018
4/08/2018 12:57:00 PM
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This the rising debate on firearms. The left and its army of gender confused, tide-pod eating and condom snorting comrades, have taken a new cowardly approach to attacking law abiding gun owners. With media allowing some spoiled brats to call lawful Americans "child killers and sick fucks" it has only emboldened these anti-American cowards.
Below is one of the many tide-pod chewer's showing their true goals: Killing gun owners.
These cowards have also sent letters to gun ranges and other shooting clubs threatening harm on members for exercising their lawful right granted by god and enforced by the 2nd Amendment.
Logic would tells us its not smart to pick a fight with those who are well armed, if you're not armed. They also seem okay with government using guns to kill Americans. So it's about who has the guns and not about the guns in general. True communist rationale.
To those who wish to kill law-abiding gun owners, I say bring it on and finally restore these great republic to its former glory. MOLON LABE
Below is one of the many tide-pod chewer's showing their true goals: Killing gun owners.
These cowards have also sent letters to gun ranges and other shooting clubs threatening harm on members for exercising their lawful right granted by god and enforced by the 2nd Amendment.
Logic would tells us its not smart to pick a fight with those who are well armed, if you're not armed. They also seem okay with government using guns to kill Americans. So it's about who has the guns and not about the guns in general. True communist rationale.
To those who wish to kill law-abiding gun owners, I say bring it on and finally restore these great republic to its former glory. MOLON LABE
4/08/2018 09:31:00 AM
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These weapons that these local socialist/communists want to send armed government enforcers to steal; have cost their owners $1000 plus dollars to buy. In other words, the government is committing felony theft.
But is it really against the law for the local government to impose these gun grab schemes? Yes, it is.
Ex post facto law- or 'out of the aftermath') is a law that retroactively changes the legal consequences (or status) of actions that were committed or relationships that existed, before the enactment of the law.
The constitution clearly declares Ex post facto law as UNCONSTITUTIONAL.
"In the United States, Congress is prohibited from passing ex-post facto laws by clause 3 of Article I, Section 9 of the United States Constitution. The states are prohibited from passing ex-post facto laws by clause 1 of Article I, Section 10. This is one of the relatively few restrictions that the United States Constitution made to both the power of the federal and state governments before the Fourteenth Amendment. Thomas Jefferson described them as "equally unjust in civil as in criminal cases". Over the years, however, when deciding ex-post facto cases, the United States Supreme Court has referred repeatedly to its ruling in Calder v. Bull, in which Justice Samuel Chase held that the prohibition applied only to criminal matters, not civil matters, and established four categories of unconstitutional ex-post facto laws." (1)
These local tyrants know this. They also know they are the minority because of the majority that shows up, are residents that are against their agenda. Yet, they push for side skirting the 2nd amendment. This will be the shot heard around the world for this age.
For some historical perspective:
From fauquierfreecitizen.com
"Boston – National Guard units seeking to confiscate a cache of recently banned assault weapons were ambushed by elements of a Para-military extremist faction. Military and law enforcement sources estimate that 72 were killed and more than 200 injured before government forces were compelled to withdraw.

Gage blamed the extremists for recent incidents of vandalism directed against internal revenue offices. The governor, who described the group’s organizers as “criminals,” issued an executive order authorizing the summary arrest of any individual who has interfered with the government’s efforts to secure law and order.
The military raid on the extremist arsenal followed wide-spread refusal by the local citizenry to turn over recently outlawed assault weapons.
Gage issued a ban on military-style assault weapons and ammunition earlier in the week. This decision followed a meeting in early this month between government and military leaders at which the governor authorized the forcible confiscation of illegal arms.
One government official, speaking on condition of anonymity, pointed out that “none of these people would have been killed had the extremists obeyed the law and turned over their weapons voluntarily.”
Government troops initially succeeded in confiscating a large supply of outlawed weapons and ammunition. However, troops attempting to seize arms and ammunition in Lexington met with resistance from heavily-armed extremists who had been tipped off regarding the government’s plans.
During a tense standoff in the Lexington town park, National Guard Colonel Francis Smith, commander of the government operation, ordered the armed group to surrender and return to their homes. The impasse was broken by a single shot, which was reportedly fired by one of the right-wing extremists.
Eight civilians were killed in the ensuing exchange.
Ironically, the local citizenry blamed government forces rather than the extremists for the civilian deaths. Before order could be restored, armed citizens from surrounding areas had descended upon the guard units. Colonel Smith, finding his forces overmatched by the armed mob, ordered a retreat.
Governor Gage has called upon citizens to support the state/national joint task force in its effort to restore law and order. The governor also demanded the surrender of those responsible for planning and leading the attack against the government troops.
Samuel Adams, Paul Revere, and John Hancock, who have been identified as “ringleaders” of the extremist faction, remain at large."
And this fellow Americans, is how the American Revolution began, April 20, 1775.
"Those who forget history are DOOMED to repeat it"In Massachusetts(east coast commie-fornia) A federal judge ruled assault weapons do not fall under the protection of the 2nd Amendment because they resemble military weapons, even though the military DOES NOT USE any AR-15's.
"U.S. District Judge William Young in Boston ruled that assault weapons and large capacity magazines covered by the 1998 law were most useful in military service and fall outside the scope of the Second Amendment’s personal right to bear arms.
“In the absence of federal legislation, Massachusetts is free to ban these weapons and large capacity magazines,” Young wrote.
He also rejected a challenge to an enforcement notice Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey issued in 2016 to gun manufacturers and dealers clarifying what under the law is a “copy” of an assault weapon like the Colt AR-15." (2)
Judge Williams claimed there was no federal legislation protecting Sporting Rifles, this is a false claim. In the case of Heller v. DC, the Supreme Court ruled that in common use firearms are protected and only weapons that are unusual or functionally more dangerous are not covered. The AR 15 is a semi-automatic rifle and is not more dangerous or unusual than any other firearm in common use. ![]() |
Justice Scalia, author of Heller v. DC decision |
Judge Williams has opened the legal reasoning to ban all semi-automatic firearms, effectively bypassing our 2nd amendment right to defend against a tyrannical government, which is now showing his face.
These actions will be the trigger that history will show started the 2nd American revolution.
Patriots all over this country will not surrender their legal arms and will repel any action that tries to steal them. All of our rights are not given by the government or the Bill of Rights, its given my nature or god to all free men. The Bill of Rights is a document to restrict the ability of government to infringe on our rights.
All government officials who wish to remove our rights should really think about the consequences of their actions and the result of their advocacy before trying to impose their will on the American Patriot.
(2) https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-guns-massachusetts/u-s-judge-upholds-massachusetts-assault-weapons-ban-idUSKCN1HD2CW
April 7, 2018
4/07/2018 08:36:00 AM
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Early detection of a threat is the greatest advantage to home protection. With advancing Technolgy prices for Security Cameras, motion detectors and other devices suitable for this purpose.
For security cameras, I suggest wired cameras for two reasons:
1) they aren't dependent on WiFi which is hackable and dependent on an active signal from a ISP.
2) you can still have a situation awareness with a wired system if the power goes out with a secondary power source.
Price ranges from $100 to over $1000 and available on all major online stores. (Amazon, Ebay)
Keep in mind when buying a camera system, make sure the DVR has least 1 terabyte for longer recording time. Most systems accept SATA type computer hard drives which can be purchased cheap used. Always buy at least two backups.
Position all cameras at access points with small overlaps in view for 100% coverage.
Using a third party HDMI wireless transmitter will allow for DVR to be hidden within the property to help prevent burglars and others from stealing or destroying footage of their crime.
Motion Detectors:
Driveway motion detectors are cheap, have a good range and give an early warning to entry onto the property. Some systems give zone warnings.
placement should be as close to entry points and since they can spread over 80ft, placement in wooded areas where access could occur.
Zones with motion detectors should also have a camera that corresponds to motion detectors.
For security cameras, I suggest wired cameras for two reasons:

2) you can still have a situation awareness with a wired system if the power goes out with a secondary power source.
Price ranges from $100 to over $1000 and available on all major online stores. (Amazon, Ebay)
Keep in mind when buying a camera system, make sure the DVR has least 1 terabyte for longer recording time. Most systems accept SATA type computer hard drives which can be purchased cheap used. Always buy at least two backups.
Position all cameras at access points with small overlaps in view for 100% coverage.
Using a third party HDMI wireless transmitter will allow for DVR to be hidden within the property to help prevent burglars and others from stealing or destroying footage of their crime.
Motion Detectors:
Driveway motion detectors are cheap, have a good range and give an early warning to entry onto the property. Some systems give zone warnings.
placement should be as close to entry points and since they can spread over 80ft, placement in wooded areas where access could occur.
Zones with motion detectors should also have a camera that corresponds to motion detectors.
4/07/2018 07:50:00 AM
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the idea manifested from concerns about "fake news" and its influence on U.S. elections and public opinion. The bid from DHS asks contractors to contact two DHS staffers via email.
The company chosen would have "24/7 access to a password protected, media influencer database, including journalist, editors, correspondents, social media influencers, bloggers, etc.for the purpose of identifying “any and all media coverage related to the Department of Homeland Security or a particular event.”
Despite what some reporters may suggest, this is nothing more than the standard practice of monitoring current events in the media. Any suggestion otherwise is fit for tin foil hat wearing, black helicopter conspiracy theorists. https://t.co/XGgFFH3Ppl— Tyler Q. Houlton (@SpoxDHS) April 6, 2018
Contractors bidding for the project must “present contact details and any other information that could be relevant including publications this influencer writes for, and an over of the previous coverage published by the influencer.”
The chosen company must have the ability to track more than 250,000 global news outlets in more than 100 languages, with the “ability to create unlimited data tracking, statistical breakdown, and graphical analyses on an ad-hoc basis.”
Contractor bids are said to be due April 13.
This should scare anyone who believes in freedom of the press. Presidents change and the chance of abuse of this database and its effects on truth tellers is worrying, to say the least.
April 6, 2018
4/06/2018 03:42:00 PM
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The establish left/progressives, outside political donors and actors, Soros, Bloomberg and others cannot parade this shooting as a case for gun control, because it doesn't fit the white male shooter with an AR15 narrative.
The liberal media and it's "behind the curtain" controllers do not care about gun violence or the victims, especially if those victims have a different option about how to stop mass shootings.

For globalism to take hold, Americans need to feel helpless and defenseless and feel their government is ineffective in helping them and the U.N./globalist cabal will acknowledge this and move in to fill the void and stomp out the constitution.
The American Patriot, who loves his country; understands freedom and it's fragile nature; seeing his right to own a firearm as the greatest safeguard in defending it, is the progressive's worst fear. An armed population will not go easy into the night or fill rail cars.
This is why the media picks and chooses only certain mass shootings to push for propaganda. Wars are not won with pistols, such as Aghdam used. The AR 15 to them, is the greatest threat to their long-term goals. Her motives and ideology aren't what they can frame as palatable to their base, which is their only real supporters.
Bottomline the gun grabbers want more killings with AR-15s they are that focused on their goals. Are you equally focused on protecting your rights?
4/06/2018 01:32:00 PM
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Harris County, Georgia Sheriff Mike Jolley an Army Veteran and defender of the Consitution, became famous for posting a sign that declares citizens have the right to conceal carry in Georgia and will use it.
Jolley had previously created a sign in 2015 that defended the American flag and Christmas. He paid $553 for the sign out of his own pocket.
When Sheriff Jolley was questioned about his critics he had this to say:
"I spent 20 years in the army to give everyone the right to disagree with me or anyone else," Jolley said. "Hopefully, if they disagree, they can voice that opinion. But if it offends them, truly offends them, maybe they're in the wrong country." (1)
(1) http://www.foxnews.com/us/2018/04/06/georgia-sheriffs-concealed-carry-sign-goes-viral.html
When Sheriff Jolley was questioned about his critics he had this to say:
"I spent 20 years in the army to give everyone the right to disagree with me or anyone else," Jolley said. "Hopefully, if they disagree, they can voice that opinion. But if it offends them, truly offends them, maybe they're in the wrong country." (1)
(1) http://www.foxnews.com/us/2018/04/06/georgia-sheriffs-concealed-carry-sign-goes-viral.html
4/06/2018 12:08:00 PM
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The current push for red flag gun violence restraining orders might seem as a right step in the direction of keeping Americans safe but one must be aware that all tyranny starts on the backs of people with good intentions.
What are red flag laws?
"The laws function similarly to those that govern common restraining orders. Someone who fears a family member or acquaintance is a threat to themselves or others can ask the police to seize their weapons temporarily and bar them from buying more until a judge determines the person is no longer a risk." (1)

Seems harmless right? Not so fast.
With time, laws pertaining to gun ownership have mutated with political ideological influence. Look at states that started with small changes like waiting periods and pistol registration and now are passing laws that give sheriffs the right to confiscate rifles without due process and levy a $1000 fine on those who do not surrender their firearms.
The same will happen with Red Flag laws.

They compare red flag laws to Protection From Abuse Orders. PFA's are widely abused by vengeful ex's that want to be granted property, kids, and money without probable cause, just a written statement and a signature by an overworked judge. We shouldn't trust the same process with a CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT.
I do not trust any official, citizen or group to dictate my rights or the ability to remove them without TRUE due process. Firearms are a protected class of property, more so than any other tangible property and yet they are conditioning the public to see them as a privilege. Shall Not Be Infringed means today what it did when our founding fathers shed blood protecting those words. SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.
4/06/2018 08:07:00 AM
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The United Nations, the international organization that thinks they have the authority to mandate what sovereign countries do, ordered Israeli border security to back down from increasing attacks at their border by Islamic/Palestinian terrorists.
" Firearms should only be used as a last resort." the U.N. Human Rights offices decreed.
The statement comes after numerous rocket attacks have targeted border towns in Israel.
Israel has been the target of the UN since their creation and very little mandates have been issued to the Palanistian government regarding violence against Isreal.
Last year, the USA took a historic first step in withdrawing from the UN by reducing funding to them and condemning their continued attacks on Israel's right to exist.
“The United Nations is not a friend of democracy. It’s not a friend to freedom,” Trump said at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee conference in Washington. “It’s not a friend even to the United States of America, whereas all know, it has its home."(1)
" Firearms should only be used as a last resort." the U.N. Human Rights offices decreed.
The statement comes after numerous rocket attacks have targeted border towns in Israel.
Israel has been the target of the UN since their creation and very little mandates have been issued to the Palanistian government regarding violence against Isreal.
Last year, the USA took a historic first step in withdrawing from the UN by reducing funding to them and condemning their continued attacks on Israel's right to exist.
“The United Nations is not a friend of democracy. It’s not a friend to freedom,” Trump said at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee conference in Washington. “It’s not a friend even to the United States of America, whereas all know, it has its home."(1)
4/06/2018 06:59:00 AM
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When World War I erupted in 1914, President Woodrow Wilson pledged neutrality for the United States, a position that the vast majority of Americans favored. Britain, however, was one of America’s closest trading partners, and tension soon arose between the United States and Germany over the latter’s attempted quarantine of the British Isles. Several U.S. ships traveling to Britain were damaged or sunk by German mines, and in February 1915 Germany announced unrestricted warfare against all ships, neutral or otherwise, that entered the war zone around Britain. One month later, Germany announced that a German cruiser had sunk the William P. Frye, a private American vessel. President Wilson was outraged, but the German government apologized and called the attack an unfortunate mistake.
On May 7, the British-owned Lusitania ocean liner was torpedoed without warning just off the coast of Ireland. Of the 1,959 passengers, 1,198 were killed, including 128 Americans. The German government maintained that the Lusitania was carrying munitions, but the U.S. demanded reparations and an end to German attacks on unarmed passenger and merchant ships. In August, Germany pledged to see to the safety of passengers before sinking unarmed vessels, but in November sunk an Italian liner without warning, killing 272 people, including 27 Americans. With these attacks, public opinion in the United States began to turn irrevocably against Germany.
In 1917, Germany, determined to win its war of attrition against the Allies, announced the resumption of unrestricted warfare in war-zone waters. Three days later, the United States broke diplomatic relations with Germany, and just hours after that the American liner Housatonic was sunk by a German U-boat. On February 22, Congress passed a $250 million arms appropriations bill intended to make the United States ready for war. In late March, Germany sunk four more U.S. merchant ships, and on April 2 President Wilson appeared before Congress and called for a declaration of war against Germany. Four days later, his request was granted.
On June 26, the first 14,000 U.S. infantry troops landed in France to begin training for combat. After four years of bloody stalemate along the western front, the entrance of America’s well-supplied forces into the conflict marked a major turning point in the war and helped the Allies to victory. When the war finally ended, on November 11, 1918, more than two million American soldiers had served on the battlefields of Western Europe, and some 50,000 of them had lost their lives."
From: https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/america-enters-world-war-i
April 5, 2018
4/05/2018 09:31:00 PM
The Antifa movement is a conglomeration of autonomous, self-styled anti-fascist militant groups in the United States. Who uses violence, harassment, and slander to stop dissenting opinions not related to fascism. They target conservatives, Patriots, and libertarians online, in the public square and at demonstrations. They are responsible for thousands of dollars worth of property damage and countless innocent peoples bodily injuries.
Who comprises the group? Mostly whiny middle-class spoiled brats who couldn't deal with the loss of their dear leader Sanders to the wicked witch of New York, Hillary Clinton. Trained in their ideological brainwashing by overpaid college professors who praise the communist uprisings of the 20th century and gloss over the millions killed by it. In this way, they feel victimized because their lesbian dance theory degree isn't getting them a job and all their role models telling them that they are special snowflakes who can do whatever they want in life, which now means yelling "Nazi" at senior citizens for their MAGA hat.
While I make fun of them, they are a serious threat to innocent people. They have been secretly filmed arming themselves with knives, chains, and other weapons all the while happily talking about beating people bloodily or killing the "Nazis".
Patriots need to have a heightened situational awareness, practice and deploy crowd movement tactics to keep from being surrounded and ALWAYS FILM to save your own ass and to identify threats by face and list them to a group watchlist to avoid inflation and future violence.
If allowed, patriot groups should have non-lethal means of self-defense I.E. pepper spray, flag poles, and bullhorns.
Number One rule: Never back down, voice your opinion and stand tall.
4/05/2018 03:03:00 PM
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Our favorite gun reviewer Mr. Hickok45. Figured we'd share some full auto goodness.
4/05/2018 02:44:00 PM
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The attack on 2nd Amendment and it's proponents have been present in daily culture for two decades and have had numerous "victories" including the Assault Weapons Ban of 1994, various states imposing strict laws regarding ownership, registration and even costly background checks on ammo.
Are guns the real threat? Or is it a shifting of culture and a moral breakdown of American values.

Using "children" to push an ideological agenda isn't new in world history and but it is in the USA. The groups that are propping up the Parkland gang behind the scenes have been unsuccessful on their own. But it seems like they are gaining traction using the kids as a criticism shield, creating a vacuum of opinions slanted to their cause. To understand their goals, we must know the hows and whys it's growing into a movement among this generation.
The demonization of firearms: Children at public schools being told they cannot wear NRA t-shirts or depictions of firearms on clothes. A student was suspended for eating a pop tart into a pistol. another student was suspended for drawing a stick figure man with a hunting rifle. Another school until recent outcry suspended students who had contact with firearms OUTSIDE of school. Target practice at a range.
Public Schools and lack of constitutional education: Another than a brief overview of the bill of rights, there is no in-depth discussion of case law, precedent or real-world application of rights as they apply to citizens. Some textbooks misquote the second amendment as a right of the militia which goes against the Heller decision by the Supreme Court, which upheld the individual right to self-defense.
Lack of safe exposure to firearms: With lack of knowledge, experience, and correct information, Fear is fostered against firearms and their owners. throughout the 20th century, public schools had rifle target practice as a part of P.E and during that time mass shootings were not in the vocabulary of the American people.
Emotion, not fact is the rallying cry: Despite gun-related crime at the lowest levels since the early 90's and deaths lower as well, we see and hear emotional appeals to restrict our rights without facts to back up their appeals.
"We aren't coming for your guns" claim: The Parkland gang have reassured the American People that they only want to have sensible reform. This is a bold face lie. Members of their own group have said give us an inch and we'll take a mile along with repeal the 2nd amendment themes throughout their speeches. Now media, former supreme court justices and elected officials including the Vice President of the DNC have openly called for the repeal the 2nd amendment. Would these officials have a platform without the Parkland gang? Nope.
They are coming for your guns and your right to self-defense.
The push for progressive politics in schools and the push for politically correct speech has fed this movement. The collective, not the individual is the focus, this is a direct correlation to the communist ideals of China, the former USSR, and North Korea. The most fundamental roadblock to their agenda is the right to self-defense.
"Political power grows from the barrel of a gun," said Communist MAO.
The conservative/patriot movement, American values such as love of country and national pride is their mortal enemy.
Teachers are pushing American history through the lens of evil. Slavery, evil capitalism and demonizing the founding fathers and soldiers of foreign wars as misguided and murders, brainwashed by US propaganda. The targeting of the south's history during the Civil War and removing history from the public square is exactly how communist movements start. Rewrite history and remove the nation's identity, leaving the citizenry wanting a new moral identity.
The latest push to remove the right to self-defense is the first step and if we remain silent, this next generation will learn a very hard lesson that millions in history have died to learn.
(1) David Hogg interview, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RIRNURx1-3E
4/05/2018 11:39:00 AM
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A Fine example of this is the coverage of Palestine violence against Israel and the language used to describe it. Calling militants "protesters" and focusing on civilian deaths and not the tactics used by the extremists in the region, using those same civilians as shields.
The U.N. heart of anti-semitic movement against Israel drafted a statement called for an investigation into 17 "unarmed" killed at Gaza's Strip's eastern border.(2) Statement ignores the fact that troops had been fired upon and weapons used had been removed from the crowd. Rightfully so, the U.S. blocked the statement and stated "bad actors" were the cause behind of the event.
The depiction of the events in that region, always show kids being carried away by Palestinians but never the Islamic fighters who incited the violence. Playing emotions is the bread and butter of the media's agenda.
Another example is the constant rocket attacks aimed at the border towns in Isreal. In 2018, so far five rocket attacks have occurred. In 2014, one attack included 50 rockets that endangered civilians and soldiers. Israel responded with air strikes and stationed IDF at the border. The action led to a fever of anti-Israel reporting, with focus on civilian deaths and not the militants who hid among them.
The BBC, has also been the leader of anti-Israeli propaganda.
Times of Israel reported this in 2017:
"The British news service's preliminary reporting on the attack, in which Border Police Staff Sgt. Hada 23, was stabbed to death, was headlined "three Palestinians killed after a deadly stabbing in Jerusalem "(3)
The article clearly made the attackers sound as if they had no role in the attack and were innocent civilians when in truth, they were armed attackers.
The headline was changed after outrage by many including Donald Trump Jr. This was the revision:
"Isreali Police Woman Stabbed To Death in Jerusalem."
There is hope for the future of media reporting.
Sinclair Broadcast Group recently released a statement Group-wide that condemned fake news and biased reporting. To no surprise, outrage from liberal media ensued.

On Sunday nights edition of "Last Week Tonight with John Oliver" had this to say:
"Nothing says 'we value independent media" like dozens of reporters forced to repeat the same message over and over again, like a brainwashed cult."
So calling out media for their bias and fake news, means your brainwashing? Tell me again Liberal Media, how you give an angry high school student air time while he uses profanity and calls millions of Americans child murders with blood on their hands and when those same innocent Americans who you allowed to be defamed, defend themselves, you claim they are bullying these foul-mouthed highschool kids and encourage boycotts of sponsors of those who you oppose.

I just received this from @kurteichenwald. There are no words for how wild this email is. @VanityFair is apparently an odd place.I just received this from @kurteichenwald. There are no words for how wild this email is. @VanityFair is apparently an odd place. pic.twitter.com/Ik1bfjoKyl— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) April 3, 2018
(1) McCarthy, Justin (September 17, 2014). "Trust in Mass Media Returns to All-Time Low". Gallup. Retrieved 25 January 2016.
(3) http://www.timesofisreal.com/bbc-regrets-headline-that-victimized-jerusalem-attackers/
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