(The Next News Network) -The Office of the Special Counsel deleted text messages from the iPhone of fired FBI agent Peter Strzok before turning it over to the Department of Justice Office of the Inspector General (OIG), according to a report released by the federal watchdog.
December 15, 2018
12/15/2018 10:39:00 AM
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(The Next News Network) -The Office of the Special Counsel deleted text messages from the iPhone of fired FBI agent Peter Strzok before turning it over to the Department of Justice Office of the Inspector General (OIG), according to a report released by the federal watchdog.
December 11, 2018
12/11/2018 09:55:00 AM
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In this video, you will see how the Polish news reports the facts. Compare it to how the American and European news outlets report their "facts."
The globalists are losing in Poland. We can learn something from them.
12/11/2018 09:34:00 AM
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The Pact uses doublespeak often to dupe countries and its people to adopt its agenda. Here's an example:
" The Global Compact reaffirms the sovereign right of States to determine their national migration policy and their prerogative to govern migration within their jurisdiction, in conformity with international law..."
So they recognize countries sovereignty in one sentence and then say it must conform to international law i.e. globalist dictate.
Their claim that 150 countries have agreed to their doctrine and law on the matter is nothing more than an appeal to emotion. Out of those 150 countries, a majority DO NOT have immigrants actively seeking asylum. Why? Because they are the places that are losing their citizens. They signed on simply because it makes wealthier, more productive countries pay for their rejects.
Here's another example of doublespeak:
"Rule of law and due process: The Global Compact recognizes that respect for the rule of law, due process and access to justice are fundamental to all aspects of migration governance. This means that the State, public and private institutions and entities, as well as persons themselves, are accountable to laws that are publicly promulgated, equally enforced and independently adjudicated, and which are consistent with international law. "
What about Freedom of speech? They have a whole objective covering it.
"..OBJECTIVE 17: Eliminate all forms of discrimination and promote evidence-based public discourse to shape perceptions of migration
33. We commit to eliminate all forms of discrimination, condemn and counter expressions, acts, and manifestations of racism, racial discrimination, violence, xenophobia and related intolerance against all migrants in conformity with international human rights law. We further commit to promote an open and evidence-based public discourse on migration and migrants in partnership with all parts of society, that generates a more realistic, humane and constructive perception in this regard. We also commit to protect freedom of expression in accordance with international law, recognizing that an open and free debate contributes to a comprehensive understanding of all aspects of migration. To realize this commitment, we will draw from the following actions: .."
Look at France, look at England, look at Germany. Look at Sweden. Its citizens are being pushed out of towns and cities that their families have lived for generations. Women are being raped in broad daylight on the streets. Families are being targeted with violence for merely being non-muslim. Police have no-go zones, where they will not respond because these invaders won't let them in. What about the pedo-rings that plagued the U.K. for years and how the police wouldn't shut them down because of the perception that they would look racist. I almost forgot to mention Sweden is now known as the "rape capital" of the world.
These are the facts. Do you think the U.N. will acknowledge this? Don't hold your breath.
Diversity is a code for destroying and destabilizing native populations.
What about benefits for these illegals?
"OBJECTIVE 22: Establish mechanisms for the portability of social security entitlements and earned benefits 38. We commit to assist migrant workers at all skills levels to have access to social protection in countries of destination and profit from the portability of applicable social security entitlements and earned benefits in their countries of origin or when they decide to take up work in another country. "
The U.N. wants YOU to pay for illegals housing, food, and healthcare without your consent.
Canada plans on adopting this agreement.
Let that sink in. What if a liberal wins in 2020? Do you want our country to have no borders? Do you want your hard earned money paying for the rejects of another country? Do you want to be labeled a racist or any other "ist" word for merely voicing your opinion and saying no to this? It will happen if we red blooded, freedom loving Americans do not vote and actively voice our opinion about this.
You can read the U.N.'s garbage here.
December 10, 2018
12/10/2018 03:12:00 PM
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Yvette Felarca, the leader of the violent communist organization B.A.M.N. (By Any Means Necessary) openly calls for and justifies violence against those with different opinions. She currently faces a felony charge of assault with force likely to produce great bodily injury and two misdemeanor charges of rioting and inciting a riot. These traitors and agitators do not care about your civil rights, especially if you are a white person. They will harm/kill you for your opinions. They think that speech is violence and deserves to be shut down with violence. They are the real domestic terrorists.
Here are some videos that highlight the terrorist known as Yvette Felarca.
Patriots should be aware of them and use legal means to expose them. Be aware when defending counter-protesters from them. BAMN is known to be armed with knives, use explosive devices and disabling chemicals without provocation.
Here are some videos that highlight the terrorist known as Yvette Felarca.
Patriots should be aware of them and use legal means to expose them. Be aware when defending counter-protesters from them. BAMN is known to be armed with knives, use explosive devices and disabling chemicals without provocation.
12/10/2018 02:36:00 PM
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The National Lawyers Guild have been identified at almost all rallies where Antifa attacked people and destroyed property. They provide free legal services for these communist thugs and actively recruit illegals to enter the country and help to exploit our asylum laws. They can be easily spotted with neon green hats at any given communist rally. They are traitors to this country and many of them want to have a communist takeover of the United States Of America. If you see them in public film them. Expose them. Here's a video that was taken at the border that exposes one of these B.A.R. communists among the evasion of illegals.
12/10/2018 02:06:00 PM
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In a laughable turn of events, Washington State Antifa released a statement with their intent to recruit the III% group in Washington State. Why? Because of RaCiSm.
Watch the video below for the hilarious commentary.
December 9, 2018
12/09/2018 08:33:00 PM
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Prisoners do not get the normal amount of hours on phone calls or visits and their letters are limited to six pieces of paper. To put this in perspective, a supermax prison normally gives 35 hours a month of visitation, yet CMU's only grant 4 hours a month and on top of that there is no contact allowed on visits.
I know some of you reading this are thinking " Hey, they are criminals, why should I care?" Well, you should. If you doubt this prison is just for people who spoke out against the government, take a look at Daniel McGowan's case. He was freed and when he requested documents pertaining to the practices of the CMU he was sent to, they threw him back in jail. Will Potter who is an independent journalist, was granted a visit to McGowen while he was still imprisoned and the government at the behest of the FBI only granted the visit under the stipulation that Potter and McGowen were friends and if Potter asked any questions, the staff informed McGowen he would be punished. This was a clever way for the FBI to label Potter a target based on his friendship with a known "Terrorist." This is how the FBI, CIA and every other anti-constitutional organization works. They will do everything to ensnare you into the web they weave.
What if I told you CMU's are worse than what I mentioned above? What if someone leaked internal messages pertaining to non-listed sites that hold American citizens without trial and charge?

If you belong to any known patriot group here are some steps to help you from being an easy target:
1. remove all cameras from the phone
2. remove the microphone from the phone.
3. use a wired headset for calls.
4. Do not hang out in large groups of patriots of whom you do not know
5. If you do go out publically to rally, make sure you have three close friends with you and if state law allows ;) be armed. These abductions are not legal and the Supreme Court has ruled you have the right to use deadly force to protect from unlawful actions done by officials that threaten your life.
For further reading, I suggest checking out Will Potter's website HERE, which contains real documents and direct evidence about CMU's and their unlawfulness.
Word of caution: History teaches us that what we know is what the government wants us to know. I cannot vouch for Mr. Potter's credibility but only say that what I independently have discovered happens to jive with what Mr. Potter has claimed. Viewer discretion is advised.
December 2, 2018
12/02/2018 09:34:00 AM
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HighImpactVlogs finds wannabe actor's Youtube channel, in which he exposes him as anti-gun and anti-Trump. Not surprising that CNN hires him to be a pro-Trump voter turned anti-Trump. Watch video below and see the lengths CNN and their owners will go to overthrow our president.
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