Ben Shapiro, the witty and prolific head of the Daily Wire and slayer of naive college student arguments, is bad for the right and its patriots. He is a neo-con, a pusher of ideas that have been long since dead and do nothing to combat the current climate of politics and the rise of violent leftists.
The right has many real heroes, including Laura Loomer, a Jewish conservative, who has taken a public and brave stand against the invasion of government by Muslims. Her famous attack on Rep. Omar, who's anti-American values and who professed her devotion to the Islamic Brotherhood and Isis, made headlines and led to Loomer to being banned from most social media platforms.
You would think, Mr. Shapiro, who is a devout Jew, would be on the same side, yet he had the gumption to call her "alt-right" and condemn her for her activism.
The days of playing the middle and being accommodating to the other side are over. The left and its commie followers do not play fair, they do not fight by the same rules that conservatives are still following.
If Mr. Shapiro reflects the majority of conservative voices, we are doomed. The left wants violence, false criminal charges and defunding of conservatives, across all platforms and places of discussion. They do not care if you beat them with logic or facts. They literally see us as Nazis. They want to hurt, kill and destroy our way of life, freedoms, and country. This was clearly seen in the attempt to overthrow a legally elected president, with no evidence, no proof. We are at war. Intellect, witty retorts, and podcasts will not stop what is coming. Our country is at the foot of the ramp that leads to cattle cars, destined to deliver us to the slaughter. Will you take a
stand or blindly follow others up the ramp? I can tell you this, Ben Shapiro is leading the line up the ramp, all the while convincing himself and everyone around him that he has the moral high ground and doing things the "American Way."
From: Project Veritas Youtube channel
Faces Of Voter Fraud #2: The Victims
In today’s investigation, we meet three voters in Florida who used to live in New York. Voting records indicated that these three men were voting illegally in both states. But our reporting lead to another more sinister conclusion… in each case, it looks like someone is voting in New York state in their name without their knowledge.
After the release of the Mueller Report and it's findings that no collusion or crimes were committed by President Trump, it became clear that media, Democrats and the deep state tried to depose a duly elected president by smear and disinformation.
The fact that the American people haven't revolted against those who tried to destroy this country, shows how lost we truly are.
Now, the media, led by CNN, are refusing to stop. Muslim infiltrators elected into Congress are now pushing impeachment investigations for the very same policies and actions that former President Obama carried out and the Democrats had no issue with.
If President Trump is removed from office, we the people must take a stand similar to 1776 and regain control of our country by any means possible.
This is the period of history where either America will be seen as a fallen country or a renewed beacon of freedom and liberty for all. The enemy isn't at the gates, but rather on our TV's and playing from our radios daily. They want socialism and ultimately complete and utter control of you and your wealth.
To see what our future will be like, just look at the defeated European nations, who have fallen because of political correctness and multiculturalism.
Mark Dice Illustrates the media's utter sickening smearing of our President in the video below.
The American "Justice" system has once again shown its corrupt face.
Jesse Smollet who staged a hate crime by paying two Nigerian friends to beat him up, in an attempt to smear Trump and his supporters by having his black friends shout "This is MAGA country!" in negative 10-degree temperatures in the heart of Chicago.
The lamestream media pushed the narrative that President Trump and Republicans had beaten this poor, black, gay man (who is a multi-millionaire) who is clearly an oppressed minority.
After an investigation by the Chicago Police, Mr. Smollet was charged with 16 counts of various crimes. It seemed Justice would be served. Wrong.
News broke two days ago, that charges were dropped against Mr. Smollet and he was quickly ordered to do 10 hours of community service. He chose to help Jesse Jackson's "Non-Profit".
The former first "lady" Michelle Obama, had used her influence to sway the local D.A. to drop charges. Also worth noting, the porn lawyer Michael Avenatti's partner in the Nike extortion case, Mark Geragos. is the lawyer for Mr. Smollet. Which some speculate, Mr. Smollet turned states witness.
Funny, how minorities claim they live in a racist country, where the white man holds them down, yet this black, gay man, is rich, an actor and never seen a racist in his life.
The truth is, if you are white and male, you are automatically last for just about everything. College entrance, loans and most of all, labeled by your skin tone, not your character. White people need to stop carrying the weight of generations past and take a stand against the smearing of god-fearing, red-blooded Americans, who love their country and have DONE NOTHING WRONG.
Read Smollet Case files below. The evidence was clear he was guilty.
James Freeman, a self-described patriot who films the police and other government officials, claimed the III% are fake patriots and statists. In the same video live stream, he also stated he wouldn't help defend his neighbors if the government becomes tyrannical.
Interesting how Mr. Freeman films police and citizens and receives thousands of donations, yet wouldn't defend those very same people if needed.
He has no place to talk about III%. Cameras don't stop bullets and being a pacificist only means he's too chicken shit to take a stand.
One of the last things Mr. Freeman stated was "The American people are outnumbered and do not stand a chance against a tyrannical government."
James if you are reading this, you are a coward and live in a fantasy world where being the nice guy and not taking a stand won't save you.
Also, don't you have a degree in criminal justice and wanted to be a cop at one point? Sounds like you are a government informant to me.....
It's no surprise that the liberal media goes to extreme lengths to make their opponents look bad.
Undercover video of an interview hosted by Jim Jefferies with guest Svi Yemini, is the latest example of this.
In an undercover video filmed by Mr. Yemini, revealed that questions asked and responses given were proved to be heavily edited to make Mr. Yemini who is Jewish, look like he was a racist. When in fact he is just a man who loves his country and doesn't want it to fall like some countries in Europe.
Watch the video and see how the liberal fake news, tries to manipulate the sheep into believing mass immigration from the middle east is a net positive, even when the evidence shows it isn't.
Also worth noting, Mr. Jefferies used the same tactics against Jordan Peterson as well.
The mass shooting that left 50 Muslims dead in Christ Church, New Zealand last week, has made the rounds on media sources across the world. The Shooter's goal outlined in his manifesto was to bring gun control and social divisiveness around the world.
Jacinda Ardern, The Prime Minister of New Zealand, has declared all guns like the shooter used will be banned. Not surprising, considering progressives/communists never hesitate to stand on the dead to push their agenda on people via threat of government force.
NZ Prime Minister bowing to Muslim Doctrine by covering her hair
If just one person had a firearm, the shooter would have been stopped quickly. Sadly, it took the police (government) 30 minutes to stop the shooter's spree.
Now PM Jacinda Ardern wants all citizens to be at the mercy of the next shooter for up to 30 minutes. Why?
Because black rifles are scary and evil. Not surprising, considering women are more likely to have..... " stronger emotional aversion to harmful action" In other words, be ineffective when it counts because of "feelings." So her way of standing up to the situation is emotional appeals to blame an object after the fact.
"Men, relative to women, show a stronger preference for utilitarian over deontological judgments, according to a new meta-analysis of 40 studies. This gender difference in moral decisions is caused by stronger emotional aversion to harmful action among women; the study found no evidence for gender differences in the rational evaluation of the outcomes of harmful actions." Science Daily
Also worth noting is the ban of videos, websites, and blogs discussing and sharing the historical record of this event because you know "feelings". A classic example of government acting like it knows better than its people. Disgusting.
The real citizens of NZ need to stand and hold on to their rights if not, they will be steamrolled into slavehood and dominated by foreign invaders who won't be as nice as their hosts when they achieve power.
Highimpactflix again highlights the traitorous mentality of the new Democratic Socialists.
Stealing 70% of someone's income by the threat of violence is armed robbery. Will you allow them to destroy this country, by sitting and watching or will you take action? Protest publically, tell everyone you know about the evils of Democratic Socialism and what it means to all Americans.
AOC showing she gives "zero fucks" about rules, laws and your rights.
"If fascism ever comes to America, it will come in the name of liberalism." -President Ronald Reagan
Watch the video below to see how the snake in the grass talks about stealing your wealth.
Brenda Arthur from West Virginia was paid a visit by West Virginia State Police for her freedom of information act request regarding a mosque.
Arthur 66, is the leader of the West Virginia of Act For America. Their mission is to educate Americans about the spread of Islamic principles in western societies.
Arthur a Jewish American, became worried about the major expansion of Islamic Association of West Virginia in her hometown of Charlestown. The recently built mosque hosted an openly anti-Semitic preacher in the past. Determined, she went to the town office and requested construction permits and site plans, which is every American's right to do.
Officer Workman who knocked on her door stated he worked for West Virginia Intelligence Exchange, a secretive outfit that works closely with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s “intelligence fusion center” in West Virginia.
It appears in states where millions of dollars are given to take in these "refugees", the authorities will trample the rights of its citizens to protect and scare away any accountability or spotlight on their un-American profit schemes.
Video below shows how state officials have pushed local black and white poor people into sub-standard housing while building a state of the art housing for non-Americans. Muslim refugees are also given three times the amount of welfare per child compared to American poor families. This effectively creates and promotes sharia law zones where non-muslims are attacked and pushed out. Similar to towns in France, England, and Germany, locals are muzzled and threatened with being labeled and jailed for merely standing up for their rights and land.
In the name of protecting people from being offended, New Zealand police are now rounding up its citizens who dare to own, watch or give away copies of the mosque shooter's video. Under New Zealand’s Films Videos and Publications Classification Act, which makes it an offense to possess “an objectionable publication.” 1984 anyone?
Objectionable? Who decides that? What is the definition that applies broadly? Or is it's enforcement determined by those who have an agenda?
Currently, all videos depicting Muslims, shooting, burning, running over and exploding their prisoners is widely available in NZ, with no legal threats to those who own and watch them. Again, it seems the Muslims are the darlings of the progressive/communist movement. They can kill all they want and the media won't even waste a second of airtime on it.
"In the last 30 days, there were 106 Islamic attacks in 21 countries, in which 707 people were killed and 745 injured. "
“We would like to remind people that it is an offence to distribute or possess an objectionable publication … which carries a penalty of imprisonment,” police said in a statement on Sunday."
It's also worth noting, New Zealand's prime minister is currently calling for gun bans. It seems the shooter's manifesto (which is also banned) is coming to reality. Sadly, if some of the Muslims had firearms, the shooting would have been stopped. Those who have watched the video could see how just one person with a firearm could have ended the attack swiftly.
After all, it only took 30 minutes for the government to stop the shooter. So why would a citizen need a firearm in the first place?
It's easy to see that media, world governments and certain segments of society are protecting the "religion of peace" from scrutiny and viciously attack those who call out the truth of what they really are. It appears the old saying "The enemy of my enemy is my friend" is alive and well.
Brie Larson actress, Hollywood darling, flaming social justice warrior and the new Captain Marvel, has come under attack for her racist comments about white people. Movie review website Rotten Tomatoes gave Captian Marvel a 33% review compared to its prerelease score of 86%. Ms. Larson's reasoning for this is " OLD WHITE MEN" Yes you read that right, the majority of America's citizens are the cause for her failure. It wasn't because she is a self-hating racist, or a general idiot or the fact that the audience who watches comic movies are white men, no, its old white men. watch her award speech about it.
This is what the commies/elitists want.
They want to rip down the majority, the backbone, the real patriots of the USA by blanket racist statements and peddling white guilt.
She is the end result of a generation of being told if you're white, you're evil and if you're black, nothing you do is your fault and if your life is shit, it's whitey's fault. Folks, we must stand against this and remind the minority, that the majority has the voting power, political power, and firepower to squash any bullshit they try to peddle. Don't be ashamed of your skin tone, don't back down from the racists.
It is well known that the Democrats AKA Communists, do not waste a second marching on the still warm dead bodies of the mass killings to promote forcefully removing the second amendment and blaming their political opponents. Now they are doing the same thing but with the mass shooting in Christchurch, NZ.
You read that right, they are blaming you, the NRA and thoughts and prayers for something that happened across the world.
AOC didn't waste a second tweeting her disgust for the outpouring of thoughts and prayers.
At 1st I thought of saying, “Imagine being told your house of faith isn’t safe anymore.”
But I couldn’t say “imagine.”
Because of Charleston.
Sutherland Springs.
What good are your thoughts & prayers when they don’t even keep the pews safe?
A bad reply string followed with far and wide condemnation of her remarks including this:
I've heard folks say "Sending thoughts & prayers your way" since before I knew who the NRA were. Sometimes when bad things happen to people far away, I feel helpless. Only thing I feel like I can do to possibly help is to get on my knees & pray for folks affected.💙🙏💙
You think AOC would back down and see the error of her ways but no chance.
(“Thoughts and prayers” is reference to the NRA’s phrase used to deflect conversation away from policy change during tragedies. Not directed to PM Ardern, who I greatly admire.)
The Shooter in his manifesto wanted a civil war by pushing the USA to take away gun rights but he wasn't a conservative, but an Eco-facist who identified with China's form of government.
The left wants your guns and eventually your freedom. RESIST.
Breaking: Internal documents prove Obama ordered DOJ to stand down from Clinton investigation. FBI planned to remove President Trump from office via lies and fake evidence. Watch the video below to see the depths of lies and anti-American behavior of the Democrats AKA traitors.
Zhoie Perez AKA "Furry Potato" was shot while filming on public property near Etz Congregation, a Jewish school. Security guard Edduin Zelayagrunfeld, 44 who works for the school, became verbally aggressive, while Furry Potato remained silent. Edduin unholstered his weapon and fired a "warning shot" which hit Furry Potato in the leg. Long story short, the police took Furry Potato into custody and later to a hospital. Meanwhile, Edduin was charged with assault with a deadly weapon, among other charges.
Sounds like justice was served right?
Nope. Charges were dropped. The LA DA stated Furry Potato's silence and filming constituted loitering and a threat to the school. Wrong.
"..California Law Affirms Person's Legal Right to Film and Record Police. ... SB 411 clarifies individuals' First Amendment right to record police officers by stating that a civilian recording while an officer is in a public place, or the person recording is in a place he or she has the right to be, is not violating the law."
So the DA refuses to follow the law and justifies a security guard shooting into a busy street because a citizen was filming, which is protected by law. Why would the DA take such a huge legal risk, which could see Jackie Lacey disbarred?
Let's take a look at what Furry was filming. A very expensive private Jewish school. How could a private school sway a DA to ignore the law and jeopardize their own job?
Simple. A small group of students is related to some of the most powerful and rich Jews in the world. The threat of Jackie Lacey losing her job is a distant second to the damage the relatives of the Jews that attend that school could do to her.
List of influential people that have relatives that attend Etz Congregation:
Michael Bloomberg, former mayor of New York City and billionaire, has relatives that attend that school. His term in office led to large soda bans, gun control, and other socialist bullshit.
Edgar M. Bronfman, Jr., is the son of Edgar Bronfman, Sr., the billionaire businessman and longtime president of the World Jewish Congress who died aged 84 in 2013.He is the half-brother of Clare Bronfman, who as a 39-year-old was charged in 2018 in a NXIVM sex-trafficking case.
Robert Rubin, former Treasury Secretary, director of National Economic Council, and chairman of Citigroup.
It's no wonder why the LA government is blaming the victim in this case over the aggressor. Professional destruction and financial ruin are powerful motivations, considering the influence of the named above.
Hopefully, justice will be served and Jackie Lacy disbarred and the ones who are using their influence to deny justice to Zhoie Perez charged.
If you have eyes and ears, you have seen the attack on President Trump by former and current FBI agents. This was arguably the first wake up call for the American people about the terrorist organization. Internal memos found that the FBI openly talked about ways to remove the President from his lawful appointment to the highest office of the land. If they had the willingness to commit treason, one can only imagine what they would do to private citizens.
Well sadly, it has happened. Schaeffer Cox was an up and coming constitutional spokesman. His message was simple, the federal government needs to abide by the constitution. Mr. Cox started a militia which was peaceful in nature and advocated for a bill allowing any firearm or firearm device to be lawful under the law, if manufactured in Alaska, under the commerce clause. Attention from the FBI really kicked in when Mr. Cox started a patriot hotline and stated on the recording he had 2300 patriots under his command. Apparently, nothing scares the Feds like a well organized, patriotic group of Americans who won't lay down. The FBI didn't waste any time and conspired to provoke Shauffer to commit violence. The FBI called DHHS and reported child abuse, to gain entry to his home without a warrant or probable cause. At the same time FBI plant, Bill Fulton advocated having Mr. Cox react with violence. In discovered documents from the investigative team, showed the FBI wanted Mr. Cox to respond with violence so that they could kill him and his wife. Mr. Cox, being a law-abiding citizen, refused. Bill Fulton than attacked him with a knife to force Mr. Cox to say he wanted to harm Federal agents. He refused and tried to escape with his family under duress. Bill Fulton, removed his battery from Mr. Cox's car and later was arrested.
"...FBI Special Agent Richard Southerland supplied JR Olson with an unregistered, nontraceable pistol and instructed him to “put it in Schaeffer’s lap then get under the truck so there will be some thick metal between you and him when the shooting starts.” The FBI’s plan was interrupted when the owner of the industrial lot happened upon the scene and started asking questions about why men with masks and machine guns were hiding around the corner.
Schaeffer Cox was arrested and put on trial for “conspiracy against the government.” The prosecution was led by Steve Skrocki and Joseph Botini, the same people that were held in contempt of court for hiding evidence in several related trials of Alaska political personalities. The audio recording of Schaeffer Cox repeatedly rejecting violence were hidden from the jury, but are now being made available to the public by Schaeffer Cox’s supporters via youtube and other means.
Steve Skrocki, who has publically attacked Schaeffer Cox for his belief in Moral Higher Law, built his case primarily on the testimony of Fulton and Olson. But recently released audio recording and email between Steve Skrocki and his boss, US Attorney Karen Loeffler, now show that Skrocki coached his witnesses to lie, then vouched for those lies in his closing arguments to the jury.
Still, others have taken issue with Skrocki’s entire theory of the case. “The importance of this case is significant to the whole of humanity,” says Larry Pratt, president of Gun Owners of America. He points out that the prosecution conceded that Cox had no actual plans for violence, but convicted him anyway based on Cox’s belief that ‘We The People’ may someday have to stand down an out of control government.
Schaeffer Cox, who has been in prison since 2011 agrees. “This amounts to sending people to prison for simply believing in the original meaning of the 2nd Amendment,” he says. “If we don’t reverse my conviction, it will set a sweeping new precedent allowing for the wholesale round up of those who have not committed any crimes.”
After a kangaroo trial, Mr.Cox was sent to a CMU. A political prisoner black site prison, where he remains today. Over 200 hours of recorded conversations and no mention of violence or plans to harm anyone were discovered. His life is threatened daily by being surrounded by Islamic terrorists. In fact, Mr. Cox has witnessed numerous stabbings leading to death while being incarcerated.
If you love this country and your rights as an American citizen, I ask you to donate to his defence fund. If we allow one patriot to be arrested for nothing more than his beliefs than we are no better than the FBI tyrants who put him there.
In the last thirty years, the debate about Autism and its underlying cause is one of the hottest debates in modern medical times. In the chaos of disinformation, two sides have emerged. Anti-vaxxers, who claim that vaccinations cause autism and pro-vaxxers who claim they do not.
This is a fake dichotomy
From 1945- 1992, the United States conducted around 1,054 nuclear tests. This includes 216 atmospheric, underwater and space tests. Tons of poisonous material was released into our world from these tests. To the point that every human now has trace amounts of radioactive material in their bodies. Cancer is the most prominent outcome of exposure and most widely known side effect of exposure.
What if the very cause of Autism is also caused by all the nuclear tests we conducted? What would the governments of the world do to conceal it?
The men behind the curtain created the false narrative that vaccinations cause autism by creating "grass-roots" movements spearheaded by celebrities who generally did not know the truth but were duped into believing in it by targeting their own vanity (It didn't come from me attitude). Others know and are shills and know the truth. Video below shows the bullshit peddled by an ex-playboy bunny who claimed her autistic son defecated his autism out, that she claims were caused by vaccinations.
Ernest J. Sternglass and Steven Bell argued in 1983 that radioactive iodine from nuclear fallout could impact cognitive development in the womb and early infancy:
Ernest J. Sternglass and Steven Bell. 1983. Fallout and SAT Scores: Evidence for Cognitive Damage during Early Infancy. (Source) "[exceroted] This fallout acts on the thyroid of the developing fetus in the mother's womb and during infancy when the thyroid is known to control the development of cognitive functions. In this article, we will present the most recent evidence supporting this hypothesis, as contained in newly available state-by-state data on SAT scores and data collected by the U.S. Public Health Service on radioactive fission products in pasteurized milk (p. 539)"
In 1962, Harold Knapp described how radioiodine from a single deposition in pasture-land bioaccumulates and biomagnifies, producing substantial and injurious radiation doses for children consuming milk.[i]
Declassified NRC transcripts of conference calls that occurred on 17 March 2011 concerning Fukushima fallout reveal that the agency had projections of a 40 millisievert (annualized) dose to the thyroid from radioactive iodine for a one-year-old child in California:
‘The DITTRA result was four rem [40,000 microsieverts or 40 millisieverts] to the thyroid of a one-year-old child based on one-year integration of uptake.’
Parents in North America were not warned about the dangers of radioactive iodine in dairy products.
Reese, Phillip. July 18 2016. Autism rates in California public schools jumped 7 percent in 2016. (source)
The increase was especially sharp among kindergartners, where autism cases grew by 17 percent last year [2015]. More than one of every 65 kindergartners in California public schools is classified as autistic The government wants de-population via agenda 21 This is a classic "two for one"deal for the elitists in the highest levels of society. They escape from blame for their industrial complex supported poisoning of the world's population and also cull the herd by turning parents away from vaccinations which will cause illness and death. Don't believe me? Look at the "hip" new party of the Democratic Socialists rise to power
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the crazy-eyed darling of the Democratic Socialist party and her stand on fighting climate change by stating people shouldn't have children and uses climate change to mask the true intent of her motivations. Fear and guilt are the green new deal's only selling point. There is nothing green about it. It's agenda 21 with a facelift and a direct result of the government using the 21st-century version of Operation Mocking Bird but on a grander scale, to kill any different opinions via mainstream media. Digging deeper into this, Youtuber Mr. Reagan, exposed that AOC is an actor who was put into power by Justice Democrats, funded the Young Turks and possibly by George Soros. The group is on record saying they will get 200 candidates to run and take over Congress and make "change" under the guise of social justice and environmentalism. Watch the video below to find out more.
Dumbing down the population: An untended but welcomed result. We have all seen the hoards of gender confused, seemly mentally damaged protesters who blindly follow what the media flushes down the pipes to their level of consumption. Their violence against different opinions and push to end the first amendment shows a sharp decrease in cognitive reasoning and logical thinking. We can point to the failure of public schools, which is a cosmetic reason, but digging deeper, the human race is becoming less intelligent by the generation. This downward trend lays evenly with the upward spike of diagnosed cases of autism. See IQ declining in the 20th-century report HERE.
The destruction of history, the tight grip that leftists have on social media, mainstream media and blaming "whitey" for the world's ills, would never be allowed if it existed 80 years ago. In fact, there would be a civil war at this point, if the greatest generation were alive today. One of Autism's criteria is defined by lack of being able to focus on more than one issue or subject of interest at a time and along with poor social skills.
The seeming lack of new information and evidence being believed or allowed to rebut the masses of autistic communists is telling. Even when presented with facts that run counter to their beliefs, they choose emotional appeals over facts. Not to beat a dead horse or a woman that has a horse's face. I quote AOC on facts vs. emotion.
"If people want to really blow up one figure here or one word there, I would argue that they're missing the forest for the trees," she said. I think that there's a lot of people more concerned about being precisely, factually, and semantically correct than about being morally right."
Back to my main point I believe that autism is directly linked to nuclear testing and the resulting fallout. If this idea were to flourish, it would cause an end to trust in government and billions if not trillions of damages to be paid out. Vaccinations are the fall guy and an easy target for those with logical and critical thinking deficits. Tricking parents into not vaccinating their children is a benefit to those who control the world and aids their ultimate goal of to depopulation, in the guise of climate change and environmentalism. We are becoming a mindless hoard of drones who are allowing the government to grow into a communist-Orwellian dystopia, where facts don't count and emotions rule the day. The side effects of the cold war era will lead to the worst human suffering in the 21st century. Not by violence but by intellectual decline resulting in the fall of modern man, resulting in a modern dark age.