In the last thirty years, the debate about Autism and its underlying cause is one of the hottest debates in modern medical times. In the chaos of disinformation, two sides have emerged. Anti-vaxxers, who claim that vaccinations cause autism and pro-vaxxers who claim they do not.
This is a fake dichotomy
From 1945- 1992, the United States conducted around 1,054 nuclear tests. This includes 216 atmospheric, underwater and space tests. Tons of poisonous material was released into our world from these tests. To the point that every human now has trace amounts of radioactive material in their bodies. Cancer is the most prominent outcome of exposure and most widely known side effect of exposure.
What if the very cause of Autism is also caused by all the nuclear tests we conducted?
What would the governments of the world do to conceal it?
The men behind the curtain created the false narrative that vaccinations cause autism by creating "grass-roots" movements spearheaded by celebrities who generally did not know the truth but were duped into believing in it by targeting their own vanity (It didn't come from me attitude). Others know and are shills and know the truth. Video below shows the bullshit peddled by an ex-playboy bunny who claimed her autistic son defecated his autism out, that she claims were caused by vaccinations.
Ernest J. Sternglass and Steven Bell argued in 1983 that radioactive iodine from nuclear fallout could impact cognitive development in the womb and early infancy:
Ernest J. Sternglass and Steven Bell. 1983. Fallout and SAT Scores: Evidence for Cognitive Damage during Early Infancy. (Source)
"[exceroted] This fallout acts on the thyroid of the developing fetus in the mother's womb and during infancy when the thyroid is known to control the development of cognitive functions. In this article, we will present the most recent evidence supporting this hypothesis, as contained in newly available state-by-state data on SAT scores and data collected by the U.S. Public Health Service on radioactive fission products in pasteurized milk (p. 539)"
In 1962, Harold Knapp described how radioiodine from a single deposition in pasture-land bioaccumulates and biomagnifies, producing substantial and injurious radiation doses for children consuming milk.[i]
Declassified NRC transcripts of conference calls that occurred on 17 March 2011 concerning Fukushima fallout reveal that the agency had projections of a 40 millisievert (annualized) dose to the thyroid from radioactive iodine for a one-year-old child in California:
‘The DITTRA result was four rem [40,000 microsieverts or 40 millisieverts] to the thyroid of a one-year-old child based on one-year integration of uptake.’
Parents in North America were not warned about the dangers of radioactive iodine in dairy products.
Reese, Phillip. July 18 2016. Autism rates in California public schools jumped 7 percent in 2016. (source)
The increase was especially sharp among kindergartners, where autism cases grew by 17 percent last year [2015]. More than one of every 65 kindergartners in California public schools is classified as autistic
The government wants de-population via agenda 21
This is a classic "two for one"deal for the elitists in the highest levels of society. They escape from blame for their industrial complex supported poisoning of the world's population and also cull the herd by turning parents away from vaccinations which will cause illness and death.
Don't believe me? Look at the "hip" new party of the Democratic Socialists rise to power
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the crazy-eyed darling of the Democratic Socialist party and her stand on fighting climate change by stating people shouldn't have children and uses climate change to mask the true intent of her motivations. Fear and guilt are the green new deal's only selling point. There is nothing green about it. It's agenda 21 with a facelift and a direct result of the government using the 21st-century version of Operation Mocking Bird but on a grander scale, to kill any different opinions via mainstream media. Digging deeper into this, Youtuber Mr. Reagan, exposed that AOC is an actor who was put into power by Justice Democrats, funded the Young Turks and possibly by George Soros. The group is on record saying they will get 200 candidates to run and take over Congress and make "change" under the guise of social justice and environmentalism. Watch the video below to find out more.
Dumbing down the population: An untended but welcomed result.
We have all seen the hoards of gender confused, seemly mentally damaged protesters who blindly follow what the media flushes down the pipes to their level of consumption. Their violence against different opinions and push to end the first amendment shows a sharp decrease in cognitive reasoning and logical thinking. We can point to the failure of public schools, which is a cosmetic reason, but digging deeper, the human race is becoming less intelligent by the generation. This downward trend lays evenly with the upward spike of diagnosed cases of autism. See IQ declining in the 20th-century report HERE.
The destruction of history, the tight grip that leftists have on social media, mainstream media and blaming "whitey" for the world's ills, would never be allowed if it existed 80 years ago. In fact, there would be a civil war at this point, if the greatest generation were alive today.
One of Autism's criteria is defined by lack of being able to focus on more than one issue or subject of interest at a time and along with poor social skills.
The seeming lack of new information and evidence being believed or allowed to rebut the masses of autistic communists is telling. Even when presented with facts that run counter to their beliefs, they choose emotional appeals over facts. Not to beat a dead horse or a woman that has a horse's face. I quote AOC on facts vs. emotion.
Back to my main point
I believe that autism is directly linked to nuclear testing and the resulting fallout. If this idea were to flourish, it would cause an end to trust in government and billions if not trillions of damages to be paid out. Vaccinations are the fall guy and an easy target for those with logical and critical thinking deficits. Tricking parents into not vaccinating their children is a benefit to those who control the world and aids their ultimate goal of to depopulation, in the guise of climate change and environmentalism. We are becoming a mindless hoard of drones who are allowing the government to grow into a communist-Orwellian dystopia, where facts don't count and emotions rule the day. The side effects of the cold war era will lead to the worst human suffering in the 21st century. Not by violence but by intellectual decline resulting in the fall of modern man, resulting in a modern dark age.
This is a fake dichotomy
From 1945- 1992, the United States conducted around 1,054 nuclear tests. This includes 216 atmospheric, underwater and space tests. Tons of poisonous material was released into our world from these tests. To the point that every human now has trace amounts of radioactive material in their bodies. Cancer is the most prominent outcome of exposure and most widely known side effect of exposure.
What if the very cause of Autism is also caused by all the nuclear tests we conducted?
What would the governments of the world do to conceal it?
The men behind the curtain created the false narrative that vaccinations cause autism by creating "grass-roots" movements spearheaded by celebrities who generally did not know the truth but were duped into believing in it by targeting their own vanity (It didn't come from me attitude). Others know and are shills and know the truth. Video below shows the bullshit peddled by an ex-playboy bunny who claimed her autistic son defecated his autism out, that she claims were caused by vaccinations.
Ernest J. Sternglass and Steven Bell argued in 1983 that radioactive iodine from nuclear fallout could impact cognitive development in the womb and early infancy:
Ernest J. Sternglass and Steven Bell. 1983. Fallout and SAT Scores: Evidence for Cognitive Damage during Early Infancy. (Source)
"[exceroted] This fallout acts on the thyroid of the developing fetus in the mother's womb and during infancy when the thyroid is known to control the development of cognitive functions. In this article, we will present the most recent evidence supporting this hypothesis, as contained in newly available state-by-state data on SAT scores and data collected by the U.S. Public Health Service on radioactive fission products in pasteurized milk (p. 539)"
In 1962, Harold Knapp described how radioiodine from a single deposition in pasture-land bioaccumulates and biomagnifies, producing substantial and injurious radiation doses for children consuming milk.[i]
Declassified NRC transcripts of conference calls that occurred on 17 March 2011 concerning Fukushima fallout reveal that the agency had projections of a 40 millisievert (annualized) dose to the thyroid from radioactive iodine for a one-year-old child in California:
‘The DITTRA result was four rem [40,000 microsieverts or 40 millisieverts] to the thyroid of a one-year-old child based on one-year integration of uptake.’
Parents in North America were not warned about the dangers of radioactive iodine in dairy products.
Reese, Phillip. July 18 2016. Autism rates in California public schools jumped 7 percent in 2016. (source)
The increase was especially sharp among kindergartners, where autism cases grew by 17 percent last year [2015]. More than one of every 65 kindergartners in California public schools is classified as autistic
The government wants de-population via agenda 21
This is a classic "two for one"deal for the elitists in the highest levels of society. They escape from blame for their industrial complex supported poisoning of the world's population and also cull the herd by turning parents away from vaccinations which will cause illness and death.
Don't believe me? Look at the "hip" new party of the Democratic Socialists rise to power
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the crazy-eyed darling of the Democratic Socialist party and her stand on fighting climate change by stating people shouldn't have children and uses climate change to mask the true intent of her motivations. Fear and guilt are the green new deal's only selling point. There is nothing green about it. It's agenda 21 with a facelift and a direct result of the government using the 21st-century version of Operation Mocking Bird but on a grander scale, to kill any different opinions via mainstream media. Digging deeper into this, Youtuber Mr. Reagan, exposed that AOC is an actor who was put into power by Justice Democrats, funded the Young Turks and possibly by George Soros. The group is on record saying they will get 200 candidates to run and take over Congress and make "change" under the guise of social justice and environmentalism. Watch the video below to find out more.
Dumbing down the population: An untended but welcomed result.
We have all seen the hoards of gender confused, seemly mentally damaged protesters who blindly follow what the media flushes down the pipes to their level of consumption. Their violence against different opinions and push to end the first amendment shows a sharp decrease in cognitive reasoning and logical thinking. We can point to the failure of public schools, which is a cosmetic reason, but digging deeper, the human race is becoming less intelligent by the generation. This downward trend lays evenly with the upward spike of diagnosed cases of autism. See IQ declining in the 20th-century report HERE.
The destruction of history, the tight grip that leftists have on social media, mainstream media and blaming "whitey" for the world's ills, would never be allowed if it existed 80 years ago. In fact, there would be a civil war at this point, if the greatest generation were alive today.
One of Autism's criteria is defined by lack of being able to focus on more than one issue or subject of interest at a time and along with poor social skills.
The seeming lack of new information and evidence being believed or allowed to rebut the masses of autistic communists is telling. Even when presented with facts that run counter to their beliefs, they choose emotional appeals over facts. Not to beat a dead horse or a woman that has a horse's face. I quote AOC on facts vs. emotion.
"If people want to really blow up one figure here or one word there, I would argue that they're missing the forest for the trees," she said. I think that there's a lot of people more concerned about being precisely, factually, and semantically correct than about being morally right."
Back to my main point
I believe that autism is directly linked to nuclear testing and the resulting fallout. If this idea were to flourish, it would cause an end to trust in government and billions if not trillions of damages to be paid out. Vaccinations are the fall guy and an easy target for those with logical and critical thinking deficits. Tricking parents into not vaccinating their children is a benefit to those who control the world and aids their ultimate goal of to depopulation, in the guise of climate change and environmentalism. We are becoming a mindless hoard of drones who are allowing the government to grow into a communist-Orwellian dystopia, where facts don't count and emotions rule the day. The side effects of the cold war era will lead to the worst human suffering in the 21st century. Not by violence but by intellectual decline resulting in the fall of modern man, resulting in a modern dark age.