April 5, 2019

With the election of radical Muslim representatives into the United States Government, one must remember what Islamic terrorists did to over 3000 Americans on a beautiful September day.  I was in my Junior year in high school when I heard about two planes that crashed into the world trade centre one and two. I joined the military in 2005 to fight Muslim terrorists. I will never forget the pain, the death and the Muslim people across the world who cheered as the towers fell.

Fast forward eighteen years and now we have openly terrorist sympathizing Muslims in the highest levels of government.

How did this happen?

Intersectional politics. Where people of different skin tone, religious beliefs and nationalities are ranked by "oppression". Funny how Leftist/socialists openly support Islamic assholes even when those very same Islamic assholes throw trannies off from buildings and burn gay men in cages because they are simply gay.  Yet, to the very same leftists, the white man is the real enemy and yell bake the cake!


Google couple hitchhikes across the middle east and see what these savages do to western people who only want to accept others and embrace "diversity". 

The truth is: Islam is evil. They want to kill you. 

The moderate Muslim we have in the USA is not the Muslim that lives in the middle east. 

A PEW poll revealed that 70% of Muslims in the middle-east agree with Jihad against the west.

Yet, the left (socialists) want you to believe the only evil is the white male. Just look what the fabulous queer Don Lemon had to say about it.

Watch the video below. Listen to each word said by the victims of the Muslim. as they flew flight 93 into the ground. Do not forget America's true enemy. Do not fall victim to the smokescreen of "acceptance". They want to kill us in the name of their god. The moderate Muslim is not real Muslims to over 70% of the Muslim world..


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